Chic & Elegant Palm Beach

Talk about wanting to escape winter in Chicago and enjoying some Palm Trees and 80 degree weather--Palm Beach here we come!

Remember in my last post--about earning frequent flyer miles... well case in point- Scott & I were upgraded both to-and-from Palm Beach.  We are loyal United Airways travelers, so for free, we were sent up to first class (bigger seats, tv, food, and endless drinks!)  Seriously, it is the best travel perk-look in to it!

We arrived here Friday night for a destination wedding (couldn't have picked a better spot I might add.)   Even though this was not my first trip to Palm Beach, it reminded me of how much I love it here. Every turn you take, makes you fall in love with it....even more (I'm not sure if that's even possible.. but it happens!)

The Breakers

The Breakers

Friday night we arrived at our hotel, The Brazilian Court, and enjoyed dirty martinis in the courtyard at Café Boulud. This is a French Classic restaurant with inspired dishes from the chef's, Daniel Boulud, other restaurants around the world.

We are in Palm Beach for a wedding--great spot, right?! Not only do we love the couple, but we love the location so we are definitely taking advantage of the town. 

Brazilian Court Pool

Brazilian Court Pool

After drinks, we headed to the Palm Court at The Colony hotel. The place was rockin'. We arrived at 10pm --  live music, couples dancing, and people gathered in the courtyard adjacent to the blue fluorescent pool.  Everyone was having a fabulous time & dressed fashionably chic.

The Colony

The Colony

The vibe down here is positive, carefree, and a fashionistas dream spot.  People of all ages take pride in their appearance down here--which I admire!

Brazilian Court

Brazilian Court

Saturday AM we enjoyed breakfast in the courtyard, then strolled to town.  A car lover's dream is Palm Beach- Ferrari, Bentley, Maserati, Rolls-Royce, and Aston Martins as commonly driven as a VW anywhere else. 

Where to Shop you ask? That would be Worth Ave.  Luxurious shops and restaurants lined on either side.  

Worth Ave

Worth Ave

We noticed a crowd in one of the side streets, so we followed--to our amusement we found little dogs and cats dressed up for a dog (pet) show!  

Dog Show 

Dog Show 

Saturday evening was spent at the wedding-which was amazing, but for the privacy of the couple I am going to skip forward to Sunday Brunch! 

Brunch was at Nick & Johnnies, which I highly recommend!

Nick & Johnnies

Nick & Johnnies

After Breakfast, we walked 5 minutes down the road and enjoyed a cocktail at The Breakers in the Seafood Bar overlooking the ocean--extra fun, the bar is a fish tank!

So, we obviously fell in love with this fish tank... thinking of getting one? You may want to think again. It apparently cost 80k to build and 28k a year to maintain... OUCH! But it is pretty amazing :)

Palm Beach is the perfect getaway- great restaurants, nightlife, shopping, and a pool scene. Actually, everything is a scene--It's FABULOUS! 

There is a convenient airport in West Palm Beach; however, we chose to drive up from Ft. Lauderdale which is only a 45 min drive (and saved quite a bit by doing so)

Plenty of boutique hotels available-will cost a bit more, but if you are looking to save on hotels you will find major hotel brands located near the city centre as well. 

Please ask if I am missing anything--but this was my trip over the weekend.  Spent the remaining hours on Sunday afternoon by the pool enjoying cocktails and meeting new friends.  

One of my favorite parts of travel is the people you meet along the way.  There is always something to learn and leads me to my next destinations based on tips I never would've thought of. 

Palm Beach

Palm Beach



Welcome to Travali Lux, my name is Ali and i'm here to introduce you to my travels and try to give some pointers I've picked up along the way. 

Block Island

Block Island

Starting will take some time, so please be patient (i'm not patient at all.. so I understand) I've started some destination pages I've traveled to and will continue to add.  What I want to accomplish today is introduce myself and give you some advice on traveling before you take too many adventures. 

Bora Bora

Bora Bora

1. TSA: You know when you are waiting in the long security line, lets just say OHARE, and you are having an anxiety attack because you went out the night before, hit snooze, and now waiting in a line that looks like ...hmm... an hour long... and you are cutting it pretty close. (Not that this has happened to me) But then out of the corner of your eye, you see people going through the non-existent line, straight through security.. Yeah, that is TSA. AND YOU NEED IT.  

This will also save you hours of lines coming back into the states for customs.  I'm telling you, you CANNOT be an avid traveler with TSA.  Here is the site to get started:

Adare Manor, Co. Limerick, Ireland

Adare Manor, Co. Limerick, Ireland

2. Frequent Flyer Miles:  I fly United, mainly because my hubby is a travel guru and gets the royal treatment through them.  My status with United provides me with complimentary upgrades and I accrue 8x the miles more than not having it.  

Scott, on the other hand, receives global upgrades, domestic upgrades, and accrues 11x the miles.. Believe me, it adds up.  United has a hub in Chicago, which is why we fly United.  You need to find an airline you like and provides a lot of flights through your airport of choice. If you prefer to buy the cheapest flight regardless of airline, then at least use a card that will help get flights with points.



3. Loyalty Programs with Hotels: If you travel for work, get into the habit of signing up for hotel loyalty programs, so you can accrue points and also achieve status.  Whoever says status doesn't matter, hasn't had status.  It pays to be loyal.  

Being upgraded, Early Check-in, Late Check-out, Free Weekend Nights, the perks continue.  We have Ambassador Status-Spire Elite through IHG (Intercontinental) and to the extent, we are offered free mini-bar during our stays.. yes, refilled every day.  Take advantage. It's the smart way to travel, why not get the most out it.  You will find, I'm all about accruing points... AMC movies, Lettuce Entertain You, Open Table etc. If there is a loyalty program, I'm enrolled. 

San Francisco

San Francisco

4. Credit Cards with Travel Perks:  If you are in the market for a card, find one with good travel perks.  We are an American Express family and also use Chase Mileage Plus (United). 



Along the way if you feel I'm missing something, please add or message me at  I'm not a major company, its just me, Ali.  

Kapalua, Maui

Kapalua, Maui

Will there be better restaurants & hotels than the ones I'm suggesting? Yes, I'm sure, but I'm here to provide you with my experiences and tips through word of mouth. 



Some trips I take will be a bit more lavish, some not so much, but this is what I like. This is life. Not every trip is going to be your honeymoon, if it is for you--hats off to you, but I need to prioritize trips and spending, so travel doesn't negatively impact my savings account and future planning. 

Hotel Eden, Rome

Hotel Eden, Rome

Follow me on Instagram: travali_lux Facebook: Travali Lux