We all have our reasons for visiting Ireland. It is one of the most picturesque places with the nicest people in the world. For me, it is a bit more personal than that. My Grandmother and Grandfather on my mother's side of the family were born and raised here.
My grandfather is a "Grady" from Castlerea, Roscommon and my grandmother is a "Farren" from Malin Head, Donegal. Malin Head is the most northernly point of Ireland. It is grand with beauty and history. You can peak out the window from behind Farren's Bar and catch the dolphins frolicking in the bay.
The oldest radio tower in the world is located here--testing for radio stations back to the Titanic! You will also find land with the wording "Eire 80." This dates back to WW11 and was a signal to the Germans that this was neutral Ireland. The history continues up here. It's some of the greatest people in the world: including my family of course. The weather station has a significant place in history, to the extent the weather forecast generated from here delayed D-Day by one day!
*If you are a diver and/or history buff this might be a hidden gem. There is a map that shows all the sunken tanks and U2 boats scattered off the coast in clear waters frequented by divers.
Cousins at long last connected
Make sure to visit Farren's Bar: Ireland's most northernly bar. Established back in 1825! The filming of Star Wars is up here: locations.. I cannot reveal, but in due time you will see in the next episode. Most recently enjoyed a great Star Wars party with dancing and costumes!
Amazing Grace Country & a look to "Eire 80"
If you are looking for information on Malin Head, you must reach out and follow @sunnymalinhead on instagram! He knows everything there is to know and has an eye for beauty! Believe me, he showed me the Inishowen Peninsula region today! It's breathtaking and he knows the hidden gems.
Rainbow after the quick rain!
Most tourists do not venture up north because they don't realize they should. It's not highly marketed like the central regions: Clare & Galway, but it should be. The natural beauty here is rare and spectacular.
For those who like the road less traveled, you will meet people, see scenery and encounter a genuine Irish experience. If the people in Malin Head speak for the rest of the country, kinder folk you will not meet.
By now you know I love animals and would have a million pets if possible. If you know me well, you know I would love to have a farm... but not for the reasons one should have a farm! I mainly just want a million animals to call me own. Including the sheep in this region. SunnyMalinHead took this great shot and it captures the reason I love them.
Some of the many sheep in Donegal
Make sure to keep checking back, my trip to Ireland has just begun and the stills from my camera have yet to be uploaded. For now, it's time for a pint and enjoy my holiday! The take away is: Come to Donegal and more importantly Malin Head and enjoy a pint at Farren's Bar!
Until Next Time, Safe Travels