To be perfectly honest with you, I'm still recovering from my last visit.. which was last week.  Yes, I know. I shouldn't be complaining.. but please, have you been to Vegas lately.. or ever... Even when you aren't clubbing til 5 am the place drains you.  In a good way..

We stayed at Aria this last go around, which I will give you a complete wrap up on in a few days. But in the meantime, I will discuss my upcoming trip.  Mind you, I've been to Vegas 14 times.. yes, you heard me right. I'm Loco. I get it. But, when I was in my early 20s.. ok mid 20s..ok lets just say 20s, I accepted every invite to go.  For a bit, it was an annual trip with my best girls friends from NH (One from Maine: Dom) to take a long weekend prior to our big season: holiday. Now it has become an annual trip with the Hubby as I tag along during his work conferences.  This year just so happens to have two conferences in the same month... 

This is my favorite trip though, to Vegas that is, because we are staying at the Wynn.  I am biased to the Wynn.. but mainly because the Wynn is the best. I would be willing to bet anyone who has stayed here has the same opinion.. but maybe its just me.... 


Other highlights of the trip, besides everything because the Wynn is great... One of my besties from Chi-town is flying out with her husband to meet me... and wait for it... wait for it... to see Pitbull. Yes, you read that right.