If you are an active traveler looking for an adventure with nature, Bocas del Toro in Panama might be your spot. Known for surfing just south of Costa Rica in the rainforest.
As long as you aren't afraid of getting a little wet-this is a great part of the world. Wildlife, surfing, swimming, fishing, and zip-lining: this is an adventurists dream... also perhaps a photographers.
We spent our Christmas at the Red Frog Resort and rented a house overlooking the ocean, with a private pool and hired a chef. This might seem over the top, but it actually wasn't . It was part of the reason for choosing it. The cost of renting a house for the week would end up being less expensive then staying at a four star hotel on a different island.
While saying that, if you are looking to go on a surfing trip and wanting to keep accommodations to a minimum--I suggest the Red Frog Bungalows. (They have surfing packages as well.)
View from one side of our Villa
Breakfast at the Red Frog Beach Resort was included and enjoyed by on the beach at the Punta Lava Bar. To get around the Island, we opted for some golf carts... although honestly they may want to look into ATVs, it is a bit rustic!
Now, I've come to be little miss Steve Irwin.. ok maybe not that good, but I am fairly lucky at spotting wildlife. On the way to breakfast, I hear a bit of rustling.. pull over and find a bunch of monkeys enjoying bananas.
Monkeys eating bananas
Next, which might be even more crazy. Finding a sloth in a tree. Now, this might be more impressive, because unlike monkeys--they do not rustle the leaves, they barely move.
Ok... So when I said the last finding was impressive. This one might take they cake.. to the extent the locals said they never see the sloths come this close. I didn't want him to touch me, because I didn't want my germs to hurt him (or vice versa) but he kept grabbing towards my camera, attempting to take my Red Sox hat off my head.
Sloth at Red Frog Beach Resort
Now, if this were a wildlife tour, you would say "yeah, I get... pretty cool," except it wasn't a tour, this was just walking around the island. If you are like me and want to find sloths, take photos, and really embrace the island-then you too will find these amazing animals. Believe me, it will be worth it.
View from the Outlook Point
The island is called Red Frog for a reason; there are tiny red frogs in the rainforest (do not touch, some might be poisonous, also its not nice. ) they are microscopic. Don't let my photo fool you, I had my legitimate camera with me on this trip, and I was very quiet not to disturb him. They are beautiful frogs with vibrant color.
Red Frog at Red Frog Beach Resort
Looking for more activities? Well perfect, because besides fishing, surfing, and swimming there is zip-lining, right on the island. They pick you up right in the lobby and drive on up into the heart of the rainforest. My brave hubby Scottie even did this, which proves how safe it is. He is scared to death of heights. He was the champ of the day for doing this--knowing my sister and I were dying to do it.
Zip-lining through the Rainforest